Metabolism is necessary to maintain life. The name Metabolism itself means "change". This change is brought about by the metabolic activities. The building up and disintegration process are the phases of metabolism or are metabolic activities.
Catabolism : cata + (meta) bolism. 'Cata' means, 'down.' Breaking Down
Catabolism is a process consisting of reactions, in which larger molecules are disintegrated into smaller ones.
The outcome of Catabolic activity : The Energy is released in the process. breaking down bigger things to make smaller things
An example -- digestion of proteins . Here protein is broken down into amino acids, so as to be absorbed by your body and , then , use through the metabolic process, storing glycogen in the Liver for energy.
Catabolic Hormones : Glucagon, Cortisol, Adrenalin, Cytokines
Anabolism : ana + (meta) bolism. 'Ana' refers to 'up.' Building Up.
Anabolism is a process consisting of all of the reactions during which a group of small molecules are integrated into larger ones and then stored as energy in newly formed chemical bonds. The function of this process is to create new cells, maintain the already existing cells and create energy reserves for the body. This process is also known as biosynthesis, allows the body to grow new cells and maintain all the tissues, thus maintains life.
The outcome of Aanabolic activity : The Energy is used up in the process, making larger things out of smaller ones.
An example -- the cluster of amino acids into larger proteins and the synthesis of fat and glycogen for the person to use as energy.
The mineralization and growth of bone, increase in muscle mass are another examples of anabolic metabolic activity.
Anabolic hormones are- Insulin, Estrogen, Testosterone,hormones involved in the growth of the uterus and placenta, Growth hormones.
When you have had your meal, then anabolic activity is dominant. When you are working out, catabolic activity is predominant.
Do you know, that the rate at which your metabolism works , is not constant. Sometimes, your metabolism is slow and at times, it is fast. Both the process are interconnected, one is not possible without another. Catabolic activities produce energy required by the anabolic. activities. And, at times, the former process produces more energy than required by the latter. The result will be excess energy . This excess energy is stored as fat and glycogen. This is the reason why you become overweight.
Metabolism Slow : When your body at rest, has lower energy expenditure than the normal, you are said to have slow or sluggish metabolism.
What contributes to this slow metabolism ? Inadequate intake of minerals from food and poor assimilation of minerals.
The adverse effect of slow metabolism is Obesity . Since, metabolism is slow, you tend to burn less fat than in normal condition and higher amount of fat is stored in the body.
Metabolism Fast : When your body at rest, expends more energy than normal, you have fast metabolism. In this condition, your body burns a lot of fat and is not stored in the body. Lean and thin people are those whose metabolism is fast.
Thus, the metabolism needs to function optimally, neither slow nor fast. And you must know that proper functioning of your metabolism depends on the appropriate functioning of your Hormones.
So, if you have a slow metabolism or fast , you can change it! It can be fixed, repaired and refinished — just like a piece of furniture.
If you experience any of the symptoms mentioned on Metabolism page, do not overlook them, as these are the harbinger of an impaired metabolism. So, If your answer is yes to any of these signs, scroll down and ind out the tips that will help you... --