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Seasonal Regimen
Seasons change, So does our body.

Seasons change !!  Law of nature. 
A perfectly healthy body responds to every season in a distinctive fashion.

This changing response of body as per the season gives a call to the change in eating habits, lifestyle, physical activity accordingly.  It aids our body to adapt according to the needs of the season. : wet to dry, cold to hot, etc.

But, now with  the deteriorating  environment, our bodies are no more perfect.   And we have become incapable of adapting; that is when diseases come knocking and we become sick.

Just like the weather and the seasons, our body is continually adapting and changing along with the environment. This makes it  crystal clear that we are not separate from the world around us or the seasons.  Let us make it more explicit---

Have you ever noticed that you suffer from allergies only during a particular season.  Example : During winter season, you wish to stay indoor and feel like taking rest, much more  if compared  with any other season.  It does not mean that you have become lazy all of a sudden.. No.
The simple reason is ~ our body does want to stay warm. As it is the time for the body  to  become dormant or hibernate and store fuel and not use it.  Since, winter is the time for us to slow down and to save our energy, a time where we are building our strength to get going.
We are directly and indirectly influenced by changes in the weather.

Ayurveda Gives An Insight On Seasonal Routine

The term they use is Ritucharya.

Now let’s cast an eye on the remaining three seasons – summer, rainy season and autumn – which are part of the Aadaan Kaal or Northern Solstice. - See more at:
Ayurveda divides a year or 12 months into six seasons. The year as such is divided into two Kaals, with three seasons forming eac - See more at:
Ayurveda divides a year or 12 months into six seasons. The year as such is divided into two Kaals, with three seasons forming eac - See more at: word Ritucharya is conjunction of  – "Ritu" means seasons  "Charya " means do’s and don’ts or simply Regimen.Ayurveda divides a year or 12 months into six seasons.It is important to follow the Ayurvedic Seasonal Routines or Ritucharya for us to stay in good shape and health.

 So, it is paramount for us to adapt our eating and lifestyle habits according to the season. By doing so, we can keep our systems and organs in balance. And if we do that successfully, then our body can be the epitome of great health in every season.


Month                                                                  Season

Mid January to mid March                                 Cold and Dewy( Late Winter )
Mid March to mid May                                      Spring
Mid May to mid July                                          Summer
Mid July to mid September                                Rainy                                                                 
Mid September to mid November                     Autumn
Mid November to mid January                          Winter ( Early Winter )

Late Winter

This is a prime time to build strength and stamina in our bodies. It is also the time to build the foundation for immunity for the spring months to come.  As the external atmosphere is cold, the body retains heat and attempts to preserve it.

Expose yourself to the morning sun rays.
Take steam baths regularly
You may take food with hot potency and high proteins.

Avoid bitter food, as it will increase dryness in the body.

Herbs recommended




Summer ( Hot )

Since the energy is being extracted by the Sun during the summer season, we feel weak and exhausted.  Appetite goes down as our digestive fire weak.

Dietary Recommendations
Consume  light foods and drink more water.
Sweet taste is recommended as it provides the necessary strength and energy to an otherwise weak body.
Consume more liquids like fresh fruit juices etc to provide the Water content to the body.
Eat fruits like watermelon, peaches, plums, mangoes, grapes, pears, avocado and berries  to beat summer heat.

Herbs Recommended

Aloe Vera


Rainy season ( Wet )
he weather becomes damp and moist.   This when everything may go out of balance.  That is why, it is strongly recommended to  go for seasonal purification practices or Panchakarma.

Dietary Recommendations

Consume only light and easily digestible foods.
You will like to eat more during this season, but avoid it strictly. Do not over eat.
Stay away from junk food.

Herbs  for you

Bitter Nightshade


Autumn season ( Wet and Humid )

After the rainy season comes the autumn. The beginning of the autumn season is when the weather is wet and humid after the rains. But with time,it gets hotter.

Dietary Recommendations

Take bitter, astringent and sweet tasting food.
Avoid heavy foods during this season as our digestive fire is still not at its optimum level.
Light and easily digestible foods should be consumed during the autumn season.
Avoid taking Curd and oily food.

Bitter Gourd

 Winter Season ( Early Winter )

Our bodies tend to  conserve energy and build strength.  
It is rcommended to eat more food with bitter flavors and reduce the intake of salty flavors.


Ginseng Siberian
Black Pepper


Note : The description of seasons and months in Ayurveda is based on India's location on the map, the months and seasons may vary in other regions.





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Reviews on Seasonal Regimen
27 Feb 2017
For late winter you have recommended 5 herbs, for intake.Would like to know one has to take all of them in small quantity or how to go about it.Very much interested in having vibrant health and would like to follow the instructions contained. Thanks for providing us insight in how to go about getting vibrant health.
02 Mar 2017
In late winter, 5 herbs have been recommended. Ashwagandha and Shilajit are very hot in nature, and should not taken together. Take them on alternate days, twice or thrice in a week and that two in very small amount.
And, if you live in a hot region, then adjust the dosage accordingly.
Be informed that both these herbs are hot in nature. The other three herbs can be taken together.
Vivian Mangwenya
13 Feb 2023
I want to give a testimony on how I got cured from (Hepatitis B). A few months back I was having some symptoms. I went to see a doctor and many blood tests were done on me. Later on, I was told I had (Hepatitis B). My doctor told me that there's no cure for (Hepatitis B). I felt bad, I went online searching for a possible cure for Hepatitis B Virus. I saw a post of doctor O.Water, a herbal doctor that cured someone of (Hepatitis B). I contacted him and told him how I'm feeling. He said his herbal medicine can cure me. He sent me the medicine via DHL and I received the medicine some days after he sent it. I took the medicine as prescribed by him. Before the completion of the medication, all the symptoms stopped. I went to the doctor and carried out another blood test, surprisingly I was Negative. I haven't had any symptoms anymore, you can contact him for any kind of illness. This is his WhatsApp +2349050205019 and his EMAIL is DRWATERHIVCURECENTRE@GMAIL.COM
Marcelo Pablo. B
01 Mar 2025
I have been battling with this Herpes (HSV-2) for almost 3 year now. I tried all possible means to get cured from my herpes but all efforts were in vain until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor Dr.O.Water who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases, including Herpes. I doubted, but still gave it a try. I contact Dr.O.Water via email. He replied and explained how the process works, i opted to place an order for his herbal medicine. I got it within 5/7 working days through UPS Delivery and I took it according to the way DrO.Water instructed. After just a week of taking the medicine, there was very big change in my health. When I was done with the process, I went for a test and it turned out i was now negative and completely cure of herpes. Herpes patients should also get in touch with this herbalist to get ride of their Herpes forever. You can also message him on WhatsApp +2349-0502-05019 or email:
01 Mar 2025
Natural herbal medicine might just be all you need to get rid of those your reoccurring health issues or illnesses. I advise people to start looking to alternative cure to their illness like natural roots and herbs. For now i am recommending only Dr.Water herbal medicine for whoever is interested, this is his WHATS-APP : +2349050205019. there are still other nice herbal remedies out there, yes i tried a few also, but that of Dr.Water is the one i have confirmed to be the most effective of them all.
Swapan Kumar Mondal
26 Feb 2019

I am feeling burning sensation under the soles(both legs) for few months which radiate upwards and persists for a long time. Please recommend herb (s) which may used to treat this illness taking into account that I have week immune to cold
Swapan Kumar Mondal
13 Jan 2022
No advice has been received till date. Waiting for your valuable advice.
Santiago Diego
25 Mar 2024
I'm not here to promote anybody's business. But just want to tell all sick prostate patients not to go for any surgery, ?Dr Ojegbukhun make me clearly believe that with the help of herbal medicine prostate can be easily cured. I'm one of those who can proudly share my experience on how herbal medicine cured my prostate completely. I recommend for you today the best solution to prostate which is Dr Ojegbukhun herbal medicine. All prostate patients should do so well to order for this product from Dr Ojegbukhun.
Contact doctor OJEGBUKHUN on WhatsApp 2349044604254.
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