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What does Piperine do for the body

Piperine is a type of Alkaloid. It is found in Black Pepper and Long Pepper. It is known for antiinflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, antitumor, antidepressant, immunomodulating and Chemo preventive effects.

Benefits of Piperine
Piperine has a variety of health benefits. It promotes the absorption of other nutrients into the body. It stimulates the absorption of Selenium, Vitamin B and B-Carotene in the body. Piperine enables the nutrients in reaching, entering and staying within the cells and for much longer than normal. Piperine increases the bioavailability of Curcumin by 2000 times.
Piperine is known for boosting the Brain functions and enhancing adrenal production. It fights diseases like Obesity, Asthma, Inflammation, Pain, Stomach Ulcers, Acid reflux and Colon Cancer.

Effects of Excessive Piperine in the body
Excess intake may cause toxicity.
It may interfere with Metabolism of Drugs.
It may affect the reproductive systems and quality of sperms.

Do not take Piperine with food containing nitrates. This may cause Cancer forming substances.

Herbs Containing Piperine

Most Effective

Highly Effective

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