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Woodfordia Fruticosa Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Woodfordia Fruticosa
Glycemic Index / Load
Fire Flame Bush
Botanical Name
Woodfordia fruiticosa Kurz, Woodfordia floribunda, Lythraceae Family
Hindi Name
Davai, Dhai, Dhawai

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Woodfordia Fruticosa Cures


Action of Woodfordia Fruticosa

Most Effective

Nutrients in Woodfordia Fruticosa

Taste of
Woodfordia Fruticosa

Nature of
Woodfordia Fruticosa


Parts Used

Flowers, Leaves, Fruit, Flower, Gum

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Woodfordia Fruticosa

An overdose of the herb may cause Delirium.
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Woodfordia Fruticosa is a shrub.
It is perennial.
It grows up to 7 M.
Best used for Dysentery and Diarrhoea.


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Materia Medica for Woodfordia Fruticosa

Woodfordia Fruticosa General

Woodfordia Fruticosa is a wonderful medicinal herb commonly known as Dhataki. It is a powerful Astringent. It relaxes Pitta and Kapha dosha.
It is used to cure a number of diseases as Diarrhea, Piles and Dysentery.
The bark of the tree is Pungent, Acrid, Cooling and Uterine sedative. It is good for the treatment of Leprosy, Thirst, Dysentery and Blood disorders.
Dhataki flowers are Immunomodulator in nature. It improves Heart health and treats heart related disorders. It boosts up the immunity and overall Body health. The flower is used topically to relieve burning sensation of the Skin. It is applied on Wounds and Ulcers for quick healing. The flowers also treat Opium addiction and Diarrhea.
A decoction of Dhataki flowers is used for treating Vaginal Prolapse and Anal Prolapse. It is used as gargles to cure Dental disorders. It reduces Menstrual Pain and cures Leucorrhea. The juice of fresh Dhataki flowers applied on the forehead reduces Headache.
Woodfordia Fruticosa is beneficial for Diabetic patients also. It reduces Thirst and Mouth related disorders in Diabetic patients. It also restores the normal Urine color in patients.
The plant flowers and root cures Rheumatism, Lumbar, Rib Fractures and Foot and Mouth diseases.
It treats Fever caused due to Pitta dosha.
Single Herb

Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) for Bloody Leucorrhoea

Powder dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Filter with cotton cloth. Mix powdered sugar. Take one teaspoon powder with milk twice a day.
Attention : It may be taken with Honey or cooked rice.

Wood for Ascaris

Grind dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Take 2 pinches of powder with water in an empty stomach.
Powder dried seeds of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ). Take 2 to 3 pinches with milk twice a day.

Wood for Leucorrhoea

Grind dried flowers of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ). Take one teaspoon powder with little sugar twice a day for 30 days.>
OR : Prepare a decoction of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Drink half glass once a day for 30 days.
Powder dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Take one teaspoon with 2 teaspoons Honey.

Wood for Piles

Have one teaspoon powder of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers with 2 teaspoons Honey once a day. It cures all types of internal bleeding.

Wood for Acne

Make a paste of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers with little water. Apply it on the affected part thrice a day.

Wood for Headache

Apply juice of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) leaves over the head twice a day.

Wood for Burns

Powder dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Mix with Coconut oil. Apply on the affected part twice a day.

Wood for Dental Diseases

Take flowers and leaves of Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) in equal quantity. Boil in water. Swish with lukewarm decoction thrice a day.
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Herbal Treatment For Abscess 10

Take Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Mix oil of Camel Thorn ( Javasa ). Keep it on low flame for 10 to 15 minutes. Apply lukewarm on the affected part.

Herbal Treatment For Burns 6

Powder dried Woodfordia Fruticosa ( Dhawai ) flowers. Boil in Camel Thorn ( Javasa ) oil till it remains half. Apply the mixture on affected parts.

Herbal Treatment For Repeated Miscarriage 3

Take the following herbs :
Nymphaea Alba : Neel Kamal : 25 gram
Woodfordia Fruticosa : Dhawai : Flowers : Dried : 25 gram
Grind them together. Have one teaspoon with Honey twice a day for 5 days before menses.

Herbal Treatment For Wounds 5

Take the following herbs :
Woodfordia Fruticosa : Dhawai : Flowers : Dried : Powdered : 1 tablespoon
Flax : Alsi : Seeds : Oil : 1/2 tablespoon
Honey : Shehad : 1/2 tablespoon
Mix all ingredients. Apply mixture on the affected part.

Herbal Treatment For Spermatorrhea 4

Take the following herbs in equal quantity :
Woodfordia Fruticosa : Dhawai : Flowers : Dried : Powdered
Symplocos Racemosa : Lodhra : Dried : Powdered
Sandalwood : Chandan : Dried : Powdered
Mix all ingredients. Have one teaspoon with Honey thrice a day.
Queries on Woodfordia Fruticosa
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Moina malek ( Gujarat / india )
15 Mar 2016
why this take with honey and rice only?
Charles ( United Kingdom )
07 Sep 2016
Please wharf percentage is good of the following in vigina tightening formula, oak gall, woodfordia floribunda, ficus glomerata, and butea frondo.
07 Sep 2016
Dear Charles Take a half tea spoon of each, mix them and take it as suggested in the formula
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