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Humulus Lupulus Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Humulus Lupulus
Glycemic Index / Load
Common Hop
Botanical Name
Humulus Lupulus, Cannabaceae family
Hindi Name
Homeopathic Name
Lupulus Humulus   -   Mother Tincture

Do you know this herb by any other name ? Click Here.

Humulus Lupulus Cures

Most Effective


Action of Humulus Lupulus

Most Effective

Nutrients in Humulus Lupulus

Humulus Lupulus
Combines With

Taste of
Humulus Lupulus

Parts Used

Dried Flowers, Fruits, Leaves, Dried Strobiles

Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Humulus Lupulus

Avoid use in case of Depression.
It may cause Breathing Difficulties, Facial Swelling, Hives.
Prolonged use may cause Menstrual Cycle Irregularities.
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Humulus Lupulus is a climbing vine.
It is perennial.
It grows in a moist temperate climate.
It grows up to 6 M.
Best used for Anxiety.

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Materia Medica for Humulus Lupulus

Humulus Lupulus General

Humulus Lupulus is commonly known as Hops. It is a great remedy to get over the Anxiety Disorders.
It induces the Sleep and treats Insomnia.
It reduces the nervous tension and takes a good care of your mental health. Insomnia is associated with stress and Anxiety.
Humulus Lupulus is used to treat ADHD.
It enhances iodine uptake by the thyroid gland and boosts T3 and T4 production.
It is also used to enhance appetite.
It increases urine flow, thus helpful in treating urinary bladder related problems.
It is used to treat leg ulcers.
In foods and beverages, the extracts and oil are used as flavor components. Hops are also used in brewing beer.

Methods of Administration. How to take
Tincture. The best and the most potent method of consuming Humulus Lupulus is to Tincture it.
To learn how to make your own Tinctures Click here
Decoction: Make a tea.
Put l/2 teaspoonful of the powdered flowers in a cup of water. Boil it. Simmer for l0 minutes. Drink three times a day.
Single Herb

Hops for Indigestion

Add honey, Black Horehound.
Drink three to four times a day.

Hops for Dandruff

Vitamins and Oils found in Hops reduce dead skin and dandruff from the scalp.
Boil hand full of coarsely ground roots of Hops in a liter of water. Boil until it remains half. Let it cool and strain. Rinse hair with this water after shampooing hair. Wrap hair with towel or shower cap and leave it for half an hour. After half an hour, wash hair with normal water.
OR : Purchase Hops extract from market. Dilute it with water and rinse hair.

Hop for Insomnia

Prepare Hop tea. Drink one cup twice a day.
OR : Take one tablespoon in the form of tincture twice a day.

Humulus Lupulus ( Hop ) for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Prepare tea from Humulus Lupulus ( Hop ). Take it once a day.
OR : Purchase extract of Humulus Lupulus ( Hop ) from market. Put 2 drops in lukewarm water and take it once a day.

Humulus Lupulus ( Hop ) for Anxiety

Have a cup of Humulus Lupulus ( Hop ) tea at bed time.
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Multiple Herbs How to Use Herbal Treatment? Click Here +

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 1

Take Hops, Valerian, and Jamaica Dogwood in equal quantity. Make a decoction. Have it twice a day.

Herbal Treatment For Insomnia 4

Mix Aniseed,Chamomile, Dill and Hops in equal quantities. Soak 1 tablespoon of this mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water for 5 Minutes. Add some honey in it. Take at night before you sleep.
Queries on Humulus Lupulus
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Dr kk mishra ( India/chattisgarh )
11 Sep 2016
i want to be permanent impotent ,my age is 65 ,male, healthy , no physical or any disorder ,allopathic doctor
12 Sep 2016
Dr KK Mishra We are not clear what do you wish to say. Is it that you want to become impotent ? If that happens, you will not be able to perform well. We assume this is what you would not want Or is that you do not want to produce children anymore. Means, you want to know a male contraceptive herb . Is it so ? Please re write your query in detail.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
13 Sep 2016
Dear Sir
1. We would like to congratulate you that you are the first and the only person with this request.
2. It is generally no advisable as, it interfere with the normal functioning of the Body. Impotence is the inability to perform sex. It is directly controlled by the Kidneys. It is not recommended to interfere the normal functioning of the Kidneys. Other organs like the Heart and the Brain may also get affected. However, It is possible that you want to have sex and do not wish to wear a condom. Meaning thereby, that you want male contraceptive. If that be the case, please let us know and that will be advisable.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
Amy ( Florida )
18 Dec 2016
Is it safe to use hops extract with having asthma and heart disease?
Makreshwar ( India )
27 Dec 2016
This is an effective herb in curing Asthma and Heart Diseases.
But, in case you are taking any other medications, you need to be cautious and a prior consultation with your doctor is required.
Sultan baig
01 Mar 2017
can any one tell its ayovadic name or urdu name
Sultan baig
01 Mar 2017
can any one tell its ayovadic name or urdu name
Herbpathy Admin
01 Mar 2017
Sultan baig. Please scroll up and there you will see the Common Names section of this herb.
Check out all the names available for this herb.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
30 Aug 2017
Is it true that humulus has negative impact on sexual life of men?
30 Aug 2017
Alex, Humulus Lumpus is used to cure Nymphomania. So, what is your concern ? Please ask your query in a bit detail.
13 Dec 2017
I have a hops allergy. How can I find out what supplements, medicines, and foods it's in? I used EWG-SkinDeep to find the skin care products list. Is there a similar site for food and drugs?
Harish Jamb ( India )
29 Apr 2018
What is it called in hindi? I meant how to ask for in grocery stores or herb stores?
Also where can we easily buy it from?
Kira Brown ( CO )
26 Jun 2018
What do think about a topical salve made with various herbs that are also ant-inflammatory? I just started a business, hoppinesssalveco.com, and it has been helping people with pain, skin conditions and more. Do you have any research on this. Thank you, Kira
Singh k
02 May 2019
I would like to decrease my libido. As my wife is not interested in sex at all.so please tell me a herb which decrease my sex desire.i am always thinking of having sex and wife is not interested in sex at all., nor does she want to have a medicine for her condition.i hope you understand my point.i would like to become impotent.
02 Dec 2019
I am a 24 year old with PCOS. I drink chamomile tea with humulus lupulus as one of its ingredients. Can humulus lupulus worsen my PCOS? does it increase my esteogen levels?
03 Dec 2019
Dear Humulus Lupulus is effective for difficult menses. However, for PCOS, you can try the following: 1. Take Ashoka tonic for 1 month.
2. Take Chaste Berry tea every day. Take it for 1 month.
3. Buy Dong Quai pills and 1 tablet every day for 15 days. You can continue taking Chamomile tea. Consume it once in 2 days. Excess or regular dosage for long can bring certain side effects. However, please check the individual pages of herbs for more information on the effects. Do not take while menstruating. Write back after 1 month for further assistance.
This advice is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb.
29 Mar 2020
Can you be so kind to tell me if you have a cure for tinnitus?
02 Apr 2020
Hey Milha. I suggest you to go for homeopathic medicine. Depending on more specifications as the type of sound you hear, what aggravates it and what gives you relief. Meanwhile, you can take Gingko Biloba capsules, take 2 everyday. Putting Sesame oil, 1-2 drops also provides relief from sound sensation.
Storm Redhawk ( Tennesee, Usa )
11 Nov 2020
How to administer to lower libido?
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