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Bat Feces Herb Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients

General Name
Bat Feces
Glycemic Index / Load
Bat Feces
Botanical Name
Vespertilio Superans
Chinese Name
Ye Ming Sha

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Bat Feces Cures

Most Effective


Action of Bat Feces

Nutrients in Bat Feces

Taste of
Bat Feces

Nature of
Bat Feces


Side Effects, Risk Factors of, and Cautions for Bat Feces

Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.
It is incompatible with Cynanchum Atratum.
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Bat Feces is the shit of a Bat.
It is available where ever bats hang out.
Best used for Eye Problems and Malnutrition in children.
Meridians associated: Liver, Large Intestine and Gallbladder

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Materia Medica for Bat Feces

Bat Feces General

Bat Feces is a herb.........!!!!!!!!!!!!.....is it true...? yes ! It is. It may be shit of an animal but it possesses medicinal properties.
Bat Feces improvises Eye vision. It treats problem of Cataract.
It takes good care of Liver. It helps in harmonizing the Liver.
Bat Feces is an effective tonic for countering Malnutrition.
Caution : Consult a Doctor before consuming it.
Keywords : Eye Problems, Liver conditions, Malnutrition.
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