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What does Calcium do for the body

Calcium is a mineral. It is found in many foods. Calcium by itself does not exists in nature. Calcium plays an important role in our body. Calcium builds and maintains strong bones. It maintains a healthy combination between the brain and other body parts. Calcium plays an important role in signal transduction pathways. Teeth and bones contain most of the calcium. Rest of the calcium is found in the nerve cells , body tissues , blood , and other body fluids.

Every day we lose calcium through skin , nails , hair , sweat , urine. However, our body cannot produce new calcium by itself. Calcium has to come from outside. The best Calcium is from the food we eat. It is superior to chemical capsules because it is easily assimilated by the body. Calcium promotes long-term health.
Calcium regulates the absorption of other minerals in the blood; Minerals like Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Potassium. The absorption of Calcium is itself controlled by Vitamin D.

Normal levels of calcium in the body
10 mg per one deciliter. 10 mg/dL

Daily requirement of Calcium.
0 to 6 months: 200 mg
7 to 12 months: 260 mg
1 to 3 years: 700 mg
4 to 8 years: 1,000 mg
9 to 18 years: 1,300 mg
19 to 50 years: 1,000 mg
51 to 70 years(men): 1,000 mg
51 to 70 years(women): 1,200 mg
Above 71 years: 1,200 mg
14 to 18 years (pregnant/lactating): 1,300 mg
19 to 50 years (pregnant/lactating): 1,000 mg

If the reading is excessively higher or lower than 10 mg/dL it may be a harbinger of:-
Excessive vitamin D intake
Hyper or Hypoparathyroidism
Kidney stones
Liver disease
Neurological disorders
In the absence of a blood test, these conditions could go undiagnosed.
Readings may vary, and slight abnormalities do not pose big problems.
However, when the readings are excessively high or low the patient will show signs of Tiredness, Weakness, Muscle Cramps and or Muscle Spasms.

What are the Functions of Calcium in the Body
Calcium helps release hormones and enzymes. It affects most of the functions of the body. Calcium gives bones and teeth their hardness. Calcium is found in antacid. Without it our body would become acidic and hence prone to diseases like cancer. It treats indigestion. Calcium promotes clotting of the blood. Calcium helps transmit signals to nerve, and receive them back. It is required for muscular function. It helps in contraction and relaxation of muscles. Calcium releases hormones and other chemicals. It keeps your heart beating, normally. Cells use the calcium to stimulate enzymes.

What are the Benefits of Calcium
Calcium prevents Osteoporosis.
It reduces the risk of colon Cancer.
Decreases blood pressure in women.

Effects of Calcium deficiency in the body
Inadequate Calcium may cause heart problems.
Menses headaches
Muscle spasms
Deficiency of calcium may lead to Rickets and Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is the most frequent bone disease, which makes bones fragile.
If you feel Numbness, Tingling in the fingers and or Abnormal heart beat, one of the causes may be lack of Calcium.

Excess Calcium intake by way of supplements may cause
Kidney Stones
Prostate cancer
Heart diseases
Dementia; Specially older women. Those who have finished with menopause. Who may have cerebrovascular disease or who have had a stroke.

Foods are listed below in the repertory with the amount of Calcium available. The figure in the brackets shows the amount in Milligrams per 100 grams of serving.

Herbs Containing Calcium


Acalypha Bipartita
Amaranthus Blitum
Amaranthus Graecizans
Angelica Laxiflora
Annona Diversifolia
Artemisia Keiskeana
Barley Grass
Bastard Oleaster
Beet Greens
Bouea Macrophylla
Bovis Calculus
Brassica Napobrassica
Brussels Sprout
Bull Kelp
Caryota Mitis
Cassia Sieberiana
Castanea Mollissima
Ceylon Gooseberry
Chanterelle Mushroom
Christmas tree plant
Cissus Repanda
Crested Lepidagathis
Descurainia Sophia
Dioscorea Hispida
Dried Dates
Fatoua Pilosa
Fishbone Fern
Indian Thorny Bamboo
Medicago Lupulina
Miracle Fruit
Mouse ear Chickweed
Nephelium Mutabile
Nymphoides Peltata
Oenanthe Javanica
Portulaca Pilosa
Potentilla indica
Pouteria Viridis
Quararibea Cordata
Safawi Date
Sarcococca Saligna
Solanum Verbascifolim
Sow Thistle
Squaw Root
Water Morning Glory
White Truffle Mushroom
Wild Himalayan Pear
Ziziphus Rugosa
Zornia Diphylla
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