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Emollient Herbs


Emollient herbs are those herbs which contain mucilage. They are used externally.
These herbs soften the skin by forming a protective film. They stop the loss of water from the Epidermis ( outer layer of the Skin ). These herbs are used to treat Skin Diseases.


Asphodelus Albus
Bladder Campion
Brassica Napobrassica
Calodendrum Capense
Caricature Plant
Cenchrus Ciliaris
Ceratotheca Sesamoides
Christmas tree plant
Commelina Benghalensis
Crinum Aszaticum
Crinum Defixum
Cuscuta Australis
Gossypium Barbadense
Green Bristle Grass
Grewia Glandulosa
Grewia Sclerophylla
Hedyotis Fruticosa
Hyptis Pectinata
Indian Thorny Bamboo
Malvaviscus Drummondii
Ochna Jabotapita
Polygonum Arenastrum
Rose Scented Geranium
Scoparia Dulcis
Smooth Leaf White Violet
Solanum Verbascifolim
Sow Thistle
White Sweet Clover
Yellow Wood Violet
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Materia Medica for

Single Herbs

Figs ( Anjeer ) as an Emollient

Roast the fresh Fig ( Anjeer ) and cut in half.
Apply it as a poultice on the affected area.
It acts as a good Emollient.

Confederate Rose as an Emollient

Add decoction of leaves and flowers of Confederate Rose in your bathing water. Take bath with it. It will soften your Skin.
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